How to Break Free From Repetitive Negative Cycles in Your Life

The universe keeps giving you an ‘out’ so don’t ignore it.

Emily Jennings


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I used to wonder why the same bad things kept befalling me. I had relationships that repeatedly ended badly, money never seemed to build up in my bank account, and friendships would eventually make me feel uncomfortable. I was living a pattern, and I was in denial. I admittedly have been fired from three jobs in my life. I kept finding myself working under managers who didn’t get me. I thought I was doomed.

That was before I woke up and realized that life is not what I perceived it to be. I don’t need to keep giving in to the patterns that befall me. It was my own choices that led me to those situations.

We live in a quantum universe where energy is reciprocated and these “unfortunate events” are no accident.

Does this resonate with you?

Believing that you’re doomed is a poverty mindset, and the universe recognizes this. The energy you’re producing is being returned to you. When you’re reliving the same problems over and over, living like a hamster on a treadmill as your problems cycle through again and again, you need to understand that you’re being given a chance to…



Emily Jennings

Meditation Teacher, Psychic, and Twin Flame Coach exploring Consciousness, Oneness, and Spiritual Humor | IG: @wellness_oneness |