“Now What?” The Two Words That Will Help You Determine Whether a Goal Is Worth Pursuing

Don’t be concerned about what others want for you

Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.
Published in
7 min readJan 27, 2022


Silhouette of many walking along road at sunset
Photo by Farid Askerov on Unsplash

It’s the beginning of a new year, and business and personal improvement writers are busy pumping out their seasonal articles on how to set goals for the next twelve months.

Their advice typically goes like this:

First, determine what you want (the goal). Then break it down into a series of action steps that will eventually lead to accomplishing the desired objective. And it doesn’t hurt to make the goal realistic, time-bound, specific, and measurable.

Seems logical. If you focus your time, actions, and resources on the things most important to you, over time, you’ll achieve your objective.

All well and good — as long as you know what you want.

Sounds like an odd qualifier, doesn’t it? Certainly, everyone has a list of things of things they would like to have, places they’d like to go, and achievements they’d like to accomplish.

For example, there are material things — a new car, a first or larger home. There’s also the emotional, physical, and spiritual side of things, such as finding a soul mate, quitting smoking, or attending a religious…



Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

Author of “Better Mondays”|Host of Success Point 360 Podcast|Tips & strategies on personal development-work-productivity-careers-life | https://RogerReid.com