Savouring the Comfort of Food with Mindful Eating

Heather Grant
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2020


Photo by Sara Dubler on Unsplash

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing all your attention the present moment and noting your feelings and thoughts without any judgement. Regularly practising mindfulness can improve focus, relieve stress and anxiety, and improve connections with others. And it doesn’t have to be an add on to your day; practising mindfulness can be incorporated into the things you’re doing already, for example eating.

Mindful eating is about focusing on the taste, satisfaction, fullness, and enjoyment you get from food. And while mindful eating may (or may not) defer you from excessive junk foods and snacks on the go, it is not concerned with what foods you’re eating (a burger or a salad), calories or portion sizes, or restricting the foods you eat — it’s simply about noting how what you eat makes you feel. It’s about caring for your mental and physical health by taking the time to enjoy the food you’re putting your body. In essence, it’s about embracing the comfort of food.

Mindful eating allows you to take a break from your day to enjoy prepping a snack or a meal, and eating it slowly with no distractions. It helps you make the most out of the pleasure of food by encouraging you to note every taste, texture, and sensation the food brings you. It can help improve your relationship with food by shifting the focus from what you eat (which often comes…

