Science-Based Ways to Stop Binge Eating With Healthy Food Habits

A guide to making intuitive eating habits and letting go of perfectionism

Dipanshu Rawal


Image by author

I remember sitting in my room all day long, binge-eating and binge-watching, to distract myself from reality. I was showing a few symptoms of depression. I wasn’t ready to admit that my life was sinking, and I needed to do something about it. Rather I’d distract myself with Netflix and burgers.

That’s where my relationship with food started becoming toxic. I became overweight, and you could tell that from how many inches I had gained around my belly. I also looked older than my age. From a slim high school teenager, I was entering my 20s with an overgrown belly.

And only when I underwent therapy sessions, my life started getting back on track. But it took me 3 years after that to realize my complicated relationship with food. For a long time, I thought my main target was weight loss. And that wasn’t true.

I was working with a life coach, a few months ago, and she pointed out my blind spot for food, i.e I was using food as a coping mechanism to avoid uncomfortable emotions, and wasn’t aware of it. I started having flashbacks of my hidden memories that I chose to ignore in the first place.

