So, About Lizzo’s Detox…

Her food choices belong to her, but talking about them can be a problem

Juliet James


Photo by Sara Cervera on Unsplash

(Content warning: This is a discussion that involves a lot of potential triggers for anyone with an eating disorder history, or even just a very bad history with dieting and diet culture. This is particularly true of some of the links I share, so please consider carefully if it’s safe for you to read those pieces, and even my own thoughts on the subject.)

So, let’s discuss this Lizzo thing. I have a lot of thoughts about it, but for anyone going “wait, what?” here’s the backstory. Apparently, she went vegan at some point earlier this year. That’s totally cool… her body, her choice. She’s been posting some on her social media about her meals and what she eats as it relates to veganism for some time now, apparently. I wasn’t even aware of this until today, and I’ve seen absolutely nothing that she’s said to suggest she went vegan to lose weight. Which has not, of course, stopped people from speculating over how much weight she’s lost and attributing it to the vegan diet. But that’s just diet culture for you. If a person’s body changes and is smaller, it’s always assumed that a. it’s intentional, and b. that it’s a positive thing.

Believe it or not, there are, in fact, fat vegans. They are most often driven by ideology — not the desire…



Juliet James

Words are my superpower. She/Her. Queer. Pan. Wife, dog mom, MFA candidate in Creative Non-Fiction with a Narrative Medicine track. Unapologetically me.