Taylor Swift Dropped Two Albums During the Pandemic and All I’ve Done Is Lose my Hair

We all cope differently

Heather Jauquet


Photo by Raphael Lovaski on Unsplash

Taylor Swift dropped two albums during the pandemic and I lost my hair. No, really, I did. Try not to be jealous.

In 2020 as the world grappled with the pandemic, Taylor let her creative energy take over and she dropped two albums.

Folklore and Evermore have been the backdrop to my writing. It’s what I have on repeat as I share my words of wisdom with you. I’m listening to Folklore now. Thanks for the muse, Taylor.

It’s really hard not to be jealous of a 31 year old superstar who has the energy to write and produce enough songs for two albums, while I was trying to not grimace at my reflection in the mirror. We all handle stress differently.

Taylor put her energy towards her creativity, I put mine through surviving a cancer diagnosis.

I’m pretty impressed actually. While the rest of us were surviving and trying not to fall into the pit of despair, she worked and it paid off. Good work, Tay!

A different lens

We all experience life through a different lens and different challenges are presented to us.



Heather Jauquet

Writer. Wife. Mom. Runner. Crocheter. Cancer patient in a pandemic.