The 100/0 Rule of Responsibility in Relationships

If you want thriving relationships, reconsider the 50/50 division of your responsibilities

Stephan Joppich


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

When best-selling author Darren Hardy was eighteen, his life changed forever.

Hardy was visiting a personal responsibility seminar when he learned about an astounding concept for relationships. The speaker posed a simple question: “What percentage of shared responsibility do you have in making a relationship work?” Hardy, like any other human being in his place, believed to know the answer.

“Fifty/fifty!” he blurted out.

Sure, that’s the reasonable approach. A relationship can only work if both parties take equal responsibility. If one person is doing much more than the other, the relationship is doomed to fail.

Or is it?

Other participants shared their funky opinions, such as 49/51 or 80/20. But obviously, this didn’t get them closer to the truth. So, the speaker revealed the answer.

In black letters, he wrote a big 100/0 on the front easel.

Give, and Expect Nothing in Return

Once you think about it, the power of this concept becomes evident.



Stephan Joppich

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, transformative books, and other pseudo-deep stuff that keeps me up at night •