The 100-Percent-Mindset Will Have a Massive Return on Your Life

Power comes with applying personal responsibility.

Michael Rauscher


Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

Most people use their energy merely to complain. They believe the other person is wrong rather than looking inside and doing the necessary work to clean up their messes. Not many people even reflect on their actions habitually.

However, the 100-percent-mindset takes it to the next level of personal responsibility. It states that you can only be in your full power if you take 100% responsibility, even for situations where you’re a measly 1% involved.

A simple question to explain this attitude: How much percentage of responsibility do you have in making a relationship work?

Obviously, 50/50 because both must be willing to care for the relationship equally. This was my answer when I was asked this question for the first time.

But the correct answer in regards to this attitude is 100/0.

We have to take 100% of the responsibility and expect 0% in return to make a relationship work. The same is true for countless situations in life. If you’re even passively or partly involved, take 100% responsibility and do everything in your power to make it right.



Michael Rauscher

Self-Improvement • I share ideas, habits, and systems for more mental power, purpose, and performance • Find me on