The 15 Ancient Chinese Proverbs That Have Effortlessly Made Me More Mindful

A valuable, meditative insight into the ancient concept of inner peace.

Alen Bašić


Photo by Callous Gee on Unsplash

You are in an ashram in the mountains of Thailand, seated in the lotus position at the top of the mountain. The never-ending views of the sunrise prevail as the sky illuminates a gentle pink hue. The smell of incense slowly wraps itself around you like a comforting hug and the peaceful hum of the Tibetan singing bowls soothe you. You’ve reached ultimate peace.

When you think of mindfulness, that’s something you may picture right? Well, mindfulness can be different for everyone. Trying to define it is like asking Einstein “why are you so smart?”. It’s not as simple as that.

Mindfulness nowadays, especially in the West, is related to non-religious meditation. However, we owe these roots to ancient Eastern religions and traditions. The actual word is a translation of ‘Sati’, a word in the Pali language of ancient India. Many original Buddhist texts were written in this language.

It roughly translates to “awareness”.

Secular movements such as that of Jon Kabat-Zin in his Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program came to define it as:

“…the awareness that arises through paying…



Alen Bašić

Harnessing the skill of writing and storytelling to change my life. Join me on my journey of making life more purposeful