The 4 Most Simple and Promising Strategies for Setting and Crushing Any Goal

Layered and curved strategies are the best ones.

Cosmin Angheluta


Lou Holtz once said:

If you are bored, and you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough goals.

Some years ago, I was like that. I didn’t wake up burning. I didn’t have any goals and didn’t know how to make some. But even when I started finding a purpose in life and setting my first goals, they overwhelmed me. I wasn’t able to make them properly, and I always tried to overreach, so in the end, the results were the same — I didn’t wake up burning.

So in the last months, I convinced myself that Lou Holtz’s quote was not complete. Goals are the key to success indeed, but you also need to know how to set them.

The Variables of Goal Setting and Achievement

If there is one thing I love about setting goals, it must be the many strategies to achieve the same things. And depending on the type of person using them, some may work, while others will fail miserably.

Strategies can be aggressive or passive. They can use combined or simple goals or…



Cosmin Angheluta

I build weekly challenges, ideas, Notion templates, and tracking infographics to become the best version of yourself @