The 4 Traits of People Who Set Themselves Up for Misery

How to start living a life you actually like

Denisa Cerna


Photo by Rafael Barros on Pexels

I used to be miserable.

Just two years ago, I spent all my time working a job I hated just so I had enough money to pay rent in a city I had wished to live in for 6 years. I always wanted to move to a foreign country, study at a prestigious university and work any job that would enable me to live this dream — yet when I finally reached that final destination after years of dreaming, it wasn’t enough.

My dream crumbled underneath me. I got everything I wanted, and I still wasn’t satisfied.

Fast-forward to now — I have a job I love, I’m surrounded by people who bring out the best in me, I spend my days engaging in activities I enjoy and after a very long time, I feel content with the way I live my life.

However, there are still many people who struggle to turn their lives around and who always feel miserable but have no clue how to escape that reality. What follows are the traits of people who set themselves up for misery — it’s not the universe that makes life hard for them, but rather their own mindset.

They Procrastinate on Progress



Denisa Cerna

Freelance writer & bookworm writing on self-development, psychology, relationships, and more.