The Antidote to Unhealthy Conflict

An introspective look at conflict, why people argue, and how you can grow through the experience.

Jimmie Butler


Photo by Chermiti Mohamed on Unsplash

“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of creative alternatives for responding to conflict — alternatives to passive or aggressive responses, alternatives to violence.” ― Dorothy Thompson

You’ve surely dealt with people that dig into their ideas and do whatever it takes for those ideas to win the day. Those people are stubborn and hard to deal with. In the battle of wills, they belittle opposition, treat others as stupid for their stance on a topic, and become angry. Pushback strengthens their resolve and builds the wall between you higher. In an unhealthy conflict such as this, no one gives ground, no one learns, and no one reconsiders anything.

Unhealthy conflict is pervasive. You see this behavior in others every day — just log on to social media for proof. If only you could help them change how they think and behave, oh how the world would be a better place.

What if ‘people,’ ‘they,’ and ‘them’ includes you?



Jimmie Butler

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