The Human Bell Curve

We have played a very risky game for ages—one in which the behaviors we model create winners and losers, weakening ourselves in the process and risking our collective demise. Stoicism, a Spanish conglomerate and the ubiquitous bell curve collectively chart a path to a better tomorrow. This is how.

Anthony Fieldman


The ubiquitous bell curve ©

We are the apex species on Earth — the most evolved creature of all. The proof is in what we’ve wrought in a world that is unrecognizable from the one we inherited, before we remade it to suit our purposes. And yet, where it counts most — our behavior, toward our fellow man — we act like every other animal on Earth.

No. We are much, much worse.

We hunt one another. We kill, regularly, targeting an individual or an entire race of people we have told ourselves is our enemy because they look, act or think differently. We are convinced they deserve it. No animal on Earth is as vicious. We wrestle one another for control of everything, resources and humans alike, wreaking havoc on everything we can — everything that helps us fulfill our cardinal goal of winning. We continue to do so even after we have access to every morsel we can cram in our mouths; every room we can ever…



Anthony Fieldman

Architect | Photographer | Writer | Philosopher | Polyglot | Windmill Jouster | Nomade Civilisée