The Key to Happiness Is Keeping Your Identity Small

Jake Wilder
Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2021


How to Stay Resilient in a World of Change

Photo by Catalin Pop on Unsplash

“Keep your identity small,” wrote Paul Graham in explaining why political and religious discussions tend to devolve into nothing but indignation. As these topics become a part of someone’s identity, facts matter less. People commit themselves to a certain position and the certainty with which they cling to this view prevents them from considering new evidence that threatens it.

In the twelve years since Graham offered this advice, it’s never been more appropriate. Nearly half of our nation’s politicians seem to have lost their minds. Instead of talking about effective policy or working to improve the lives of Americans, they hold rallies to promote fake conspiracy theories and punish those who have the gall to stand by their principles.

Yet Graham’s advice shouldn’t be limited to politics and religion. If you’re reading this, you’re likely not one of the crazies who continue their commitment to ignorance and refuse to acknowledge reality. It’s doubtful that your identity is committed to one specific set of religious or political views.

But chances are good that it’s tied to something. And the more committed you are to any one belief, the less you’ll be able to adapt within a changing situation.



Jake Wilder

I don’t know where I’m going. But at least I know how to get there.