The Lessons Learned from Grief

Grief comes from lots of places and can be surprising in what it brings with it

Wendy Miller


Photo by: Andrea Piacquadio via Pexels

December, despite the happiness of the holidays, tends to be a bit of a rough month for me. Last year, my grandmother had just passed away in November. Before that, I have two uncles who passed in December, as well as my grandfather. And December signals the approach of my birthday in January, which is now tinged with the memory of a dear friend who passed away on my 19th birthday.

Each year, no matter how deeply I dive into celebrating the holidays, spending time with family and friends, and seeking out happiness wherever I can find it, I’m also always dealing with at least a little of that grief somewhere in my mind and heart.

And there’s other grief as well. It doesn’t come just from death. Grief comes from any significant loss in your life and it can happen any time.

Whether it’s the death of a loved one, divorce, or the loss of a job, we all have to deal with grief at some point. Grief is a normal healing process. After all, your life has been permanently changed when you suffer such a loss, and it requires healing to get past the event and move on.

While grief is painful and uncomfortable, there are many things to learn from grief. Challenging times…

