The Most Popular (Realistic) Life Hacks

These are courtesy of Twitter. Quick strategies to inspire change.

Tim Denning
Published in
6 min readApr 28, 2021


Photo by Yasin Arıbuğa on Unsplash

A good tweet thread can really make you think. Yannick Veys posted a question on Twitter: What’s your biggest life hack?

My biggest life hack is this: your day starts the night before.

You can set up tomorrow before you go to bed by setting your priorities, figuring out the most important task you want to get done, and thinking about what order you want to do each task in. If I get the one thing done tomorrow that’s a huge priority, then everything else is a bonus. The challenge you have is when you try to get lots done, and end up getting nothing done.

Certain tasks have an overwhelming built-in resistance to them. When I had to plan the day I was going to propose to my partner, I avoided it. It’s hard. I wanted it to be special. I didn’t want to screw it up or fumble my words.

Now I have to plan the “getting married part.” This comes with built-in resistance too. So, I chunked it down. Getting married (for me) involves the day we sign the paper at the government building, a dinner with friends to celebrate, a ridiculously long honeymoon to the Great Barrier Reef, and a visit to China after covid to meet the other side of the family.



Tim Denning

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