The Power of Synchronicity and How It Can Shape Our Lives

The coincidence of events that appear meaningfully related but do not seem to be causally connected have more of an impact than you think

Chetna Jai
Published in
10 min readMar 25, 2021


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I’ve had my share of coincidences, meaningful coincidences, and everything between. They were unseen messages from the universe, residing in daily life, incognito.

I’ve often wondered how certain people I know are so in tune with their lives. They seem to have everything figured out, even when life throws them a curveball. Did synchronicity have anything to do with it? I was so busy living life yet not participating.

“We do not create our destiny; we participate in its unfolding. Synchronicity works as a catalyst toward the working out of that destiny.” — David Richo

After a solo trip and a stint of family drama before the pandemic hit, I experienced a kind of awakening. As if I was blind all this time, and now I could see. Ironically, my kids are always looking for things that are right under their noses. I found myself saying too often: Eyes, but cannot see. Yet, I’ve missed some crucial moments in my life.



Chetna Jai

My external words are the inner me. I value freedom, travel and change. Always contemplating the philosophy of life.