The Single Decision

How to make changes with teleological vision.

Tyler Kleeberger


About two years ago, I wrote a piece that made the rounds — “A Technique for Deciding How to Say No.” This concept, while not explicitly stated, utilized the notion of teleology to create a constraint for what you should give your time to.

The insights of the article can certainly be useful in today’s conversation, but the teleological emphasis was how a vision assists in forming the notion of what you should not do (which therefore helps delineate what you should do). Two years later, I’d like to frame a process using teleology again.

This time, however, let’s explore how to use the same concept to explicitly create a destination for catalyzing changes you want to make in your life and in the world.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Defintion of teleology.
  • Why purposive goals are necessary for making changes.
  • How an ideal ought to adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Exercise One: Affirmations



Tyler Kleeberger

Pursuing what it means to be human so as to build the best world possible. Practical ethics through in-depth exploration. Becoming Human: