The Synesthete Sessions: Journeying to Acceptance

The bewilderment and adventure of living with mirror touch and other polysyns

Krista • The Bliss Mystic


Mirrors with reflections of neurons firing.
mirrors + neurons | by kahh

After living over thirty years wondering why other people didn’t taste butterscotch when they said, heard, or read ‘interesting,’ learning about synesthesia was a welcome wave of awareness amidst the chaos.

I remember being in elementary school and watching a friend fall from the top of a structure we called the ‘Cheese,’ a molded concrete structure that only a 1980s playground could sustain due to its unmitigated risk of bodily harm. When he hit the ground, I couldn’t breathe. Grabbing at my chest and gasping for air, I paused feeling the tap on my back, followed by “you’re it!” Trying to maintain myself as part of the game of Tag, I took a few steps, but still out of breath couldn’t yet run. Mercifully, the bell rang and we had to adjourn inside for some Math Baseball. I didn’t have to interrupt Tag by disclosing that Craig falling from the Cheese had hurt my hip and made me lose my breath.

It would be twenty years later when I was reading an article on Richard Feynman, the scientist and futurist, in which he talked about how the colors of letters in equations created a particular organization or flow to the information. He learned that his colleagues didn’t have access to that…



Krista • The Bliss Mystic

consciousness design leader • author • artist • creatrix of The Bliss Mystic Collective •