The Two-Step Daily Plan That Can Give You Immense Clarity

Prevent second-guessing your plans and make to-do lists more specific.

Max Phillips


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

Do you ever find that tasks take a lot longer than you first imagined? Or do you not finish your to-do lists? If yes, then me too.

I would guess how many things I should do, almost always grossly underestimating how long they would take. This became a problem, as although I knew what I was doing, there was no real structure to my day. I floated my way through the list.

As you get older, you realize the value of planning. Perhaps none more so than your day-to-day life. A to-do list is great, but on its own, it’s not enough. There needs to be another step.

Step 1: Start with a rough time allocation template

Fed up with my lack of guidance, I decided to create a schedule. This would be my template.

I outlined time slots for exercise, writing articles, lunch, emails, and a dog walk. All of which had layby periods of about half an hour, just in case something went on longer than intended.

This was a marked change from before. I’ve experimented with having two days a week purely dedicated to writing articles but always wound up criticizing myself, no…



Max Phillips

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