The Untold Truth of Cold Showers
Months ago, my husband turned all Wim Hof on me. He complained so much about the cold showers I had to try them. I pride myself with having more willpower so it became a competition.
I’ve now been taking cold showers for nearly 2 months. I don’t plan on stopping. I started to see what my husband was complaining about but kept doing it because …I like it.
I never thought I’d say that. I’m freezing most of the time so liking cold showers is well outside my comfort zone.
These are the benefits I’ve personally noticed.
Cold showers increase energy.
Each morning, I brush my teeth, wash my face and head downstairs for a cup of freshly pressed coffee. After having a cup with my husband, I take a shower. At this time, I still feel tired. I’m not energetic, I’m just going through the motions.
Then I jump into a cold shower and I’m alive! No, that’s not how it happens.
I start the shower like I normally would. I enjoy hot showers. I take a hot shower and wash. Then at the end of my shower, I turn the water cold. I stand under the cold shower for around a minute and get out.