This Is What It Feels Like When You Completely Give Up

And how to start again.

Jessica Wildfire


When I was 19, I decided to quit.

Quit what, exactly?


I dropped out of college. I quit my job. I stopped talking to my family. I resigned from all the clubs I was in. I broke up with the guy I was dating. (Okay, he broke up with me.)

I called up one of my best friends and cussed her out.

For two weeks, I basically squatted in a drug dealer’s house, in a room with no furniture besides an old mattress someone had left. He let me stay as long as I wanted, for just a hundred bucks.

Here’s what all that taught me:

Anyone can give up.

Back in high school, I put up a facade. I was a prep on the outside, goth on the inside. I made straight A’s and had the kind of test scores your parents brag about. My friends all thought I was going to an Ivy League. Then a series of unfortunate events happened.

My mom’s mental health got worse. She turned violent. She bankrupted my family with credit card debt. Every day for years, I thought she was going to kill us all in our sleep.

