Three Things You Can Do Right Now to Become an Amazing Listener

We may be hearing words but we’re not understanding the message

Anthony Beckman


Have you ever been in a conversation that raised your levels of fear and anxiety? So much so that it seemed like people were drawing out your frustrations like a snake charmer?

What if there was a way to take part in conversations that left you feeling curious and not anxious? Excited and not fearful?

The way to better conversations is to put down your ego and listen.

Listen with curiosity.
Listen to understand.
Listen with empathy,
with compassion,
with your heart.

Greg McKewon referred to listening as magic in this most recent 1-minute Wednesday newsletter:

I want to be a better listener. Because it’s the closest thing to magic that we have in relationships. When I listen with empathy to a client, an employee, or a family member everything changes. Isolation is turned into connection. Distance is turned into presence. Frustration is turned into understanding.

To unlock this magic we need to understand what it means to listen. In its most rudimentary form, listening is the…



Anthony Beckman

Dad, husband, thinker, writer, exerciser. “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” — Dumbledore