Timeless Tips to Improving Your Memory from Dale Carnegie

You don’t have a bad memory.



Photo by Jesse Martini on Unsplash

We no longer rely on our memories the way we used to.

Everything is easily googleable.

Can’t remember that restaurant you went to last week? Google.
Can’t remember the directions to your in-laws’ place? Google.
Can’t remember the recipe for mac and cheese? Google.

But, I would say, having a good memory is essential to overall success. Don’t you think?

In this post, I will outline the strategies recommended by Dale Carnegie in his book, How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking, first published in 1957!

I found them timeless and practical! I hope you do, too.

There are three natural laws of remembering that make up the memory system: impression, repetition, and association.


The first step to a great memory is having a vivid and lasting impression of the thing you want to remember.

You want to train yourself to focus under the most difficult and distracting situations. Theodore Roosevelt was known for his incredible memory, and it was due to his power of concentration.




I write about self-improvement, motivation, interesting news, and notes to my kids. www.aqlnotes.com