To Have More Than 3 Priorities Is a Waste of Time

Try these practical steps to reach your desired future self

John Cooper


Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

The long, never-ending to-do list sucks!

That was really hard for me to say, considering that there’s nothing that I enjoy more than ticking items off of my never-ending list of things that I “need” to get done.

Having that never-ending list is actually not helpful, nor is it good for your health. If you’re like me, it causes you stress and gets very hard on yourself when you do not get things ticked off your list.

I am in the process of testing out a different method for getting things done but more on that later. I will let you know how it goes.

For now, let's talk about what I have been working on this year and a tool that I came up with to help with the process.

The Big Three

“If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any.”

-Jim Collins

If you try and focus on too many things at once, you will end up making minimal traction on each. To make progress, you must narrow down your focus to three things.



John Cooper

Writer of Life Transformation | Productivity | Family | I will help you design your desired future self: