5 Rules From Bill Gates That Will Help You To Read More Books

They’ll help you to become a prolific reader

Matt Lillywhite


Photo via Flickr

I’ve reached a point in my life where I enjoy nothing more than sitting down and reading a good book for several hours. But I wasn’t always like this. More often than not, I struggled to find the time, energy, and motivation to sit down on the sofa and read the first page.

So how did I become an avid reader in a short amount of time? The answer is adopting the habits of passionate readers, such as Bill Gates, and then implementing them into my own life.

So below are several strategies that will help you to read a lot more frequently. Each of these insights changed my life for the better, and I’m confident they will do the same for you, too.

Choose Your Format.

There’s a lot of ways to read new books. You can download one to your Kindle, listen on Audible, or get a physical copy from your local library. It doesn’t matter how you read. You just need to find a format that works best for you, and then find ways to integrate it into your daily life.

I like to go for a walk in the afternoon. So each day, I’ll enjoy listening to an audiobook as I walk around my local area for several hours. After all, it’s a great way to get some…



Matt Lillywhite

Full-time storyteller. Want to earn a living from writing? I'll teach you how to get started — https://mattlillywhite.substack.com