Top 5 Books I Read in 2020 That Everybody Can Read

The best way to understand life is to read books

Pallav Grover


This year was a strange year where hell broke loose on everybody. It was hard to switch from a regular office to working from home environment which brought changes into day to day life. There was a lot more time to fill up with things that you did not get time to do earlier.

All my life I used to give an excuse that reading was hard and when you can watch a movie why do you need to read? In a world that is full of distractions where we depend on instant gratification, reading would never ideally be your first choice.

I made a conscious effort to read this year and I ended up reading 13 books which have been a great experience so far. I learned a lot and also understood the value of prolonged focus which helped me in other aspects of life.

Out of all the books I was able to read I am listing out the top 5 books that I found genuinely intriguing, fascinating, and thought-provoking.

1. The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel

“Doing well with money has a little to do with how smart you are and a lot to do with how you behave.”

