Turn “Quitters Day” into Something More Positive

Don’t be crushed by failing to stick to your resolutions.

Rosalind Pagan


Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

The third Sunday in January is when most people abandon their New Year’s resolutions.

It’s called Quitters Day. How’s that for negative connotations? Nobody likes a quitter, so the expression goes. I have to disagree.

It’s time to quit beating yourself up for doing okay at life.

The majority of us are going to be average. That’s not rocket science, it’s just a statistical reality. If we were all exceptional, none of us would be.

Quit setting the bar too high

Goals are good, but make them in small increments and celebrate each little achievement. It’s cool to write yourself a check for a million bucks and stick it on your fridge with a plan to cash it in one day. But don’t obsess over that target at the expense of figuring out how to take the first steps to reach it.

Life is for living and enjoying. Sometimes life events — like a global pandemic for example — get in the way of your five-year plan. But you still have 24 hours every day to occupy somehow.

Fill your time with enriching things. Read a book, go for a walk in nature. Breathe. Struggling to pay the bills is…



Rosalind Pagan

Feminist, mother, word nerd, worrier, warrior, thinker.