Unusual Strategies You Can Use to Stop Criticizing Yourself in 2021

How to win the war with yourself.

Leah Njoki


Photo by Salomé Guruli on Unsplash

What a relief! 2021 is officially here. We made it. We get a clean slate, a chance to shake ourselves off the dust and resurrect our half-dead dreams. Because 2020 really did a big one on us. And although our problems are far from over, we can’t be any more grateful to rid ourselves of the stench of a crappy 2020.

And what a better way to do this than to start on a clean slate, right? If you’re anything like me, I’m guessing that by now, you’ve probably bought yourself a pretty pink (or yellow?) notebook and jotted down your resolutions.

But you’ve not just bought any notebook, you’ve selected one with powerful inscriptions like: You’ve got this! A fresh start begins today. A new year, new me. Or whatever sexy mantra you feel is motivating enough to make you place your foot back on the pedal of your life.

Perhaps your resolutions sound like this:

  • To bask in the white beaches of Koh Samui. (That’s mine. Post-Covid vaccine, of course)
  • To save $3000 by December.
  • To do whatever I can to get a date with that hot chick down the road. (Not mine)
  • To break my smoking addiction permanently by April.



Leah Njoki

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