What 2020 Taught Me about Building a Business — It’s a Networks Game

Milosz Falinski
Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2020


This year has been a wild time to build my first business. In March 2020, the world changed forever. For many years, there’s been increasing talk about the new ‘remote working era’. This hypothetical future suddenly became reality for most people.

Illustration by Milosz Falinski

As the world of working has become distributed, so has the world of connecting and exchanging knowledge and ideas. To adapt, we’ve all had to re-learn what building meaningful relationships means in a distributed world.

Despite all of the changes, what’s not changing is that building a business is still fundamentally about having a great network that can support it.

How business and networks come together

The term ‘networking’ reminds most of us about the haphazard connection requests we’re all victims of on Linked In. Or the networking events where it’s all about getting something in as short a time as possible. It’s easy to be cynical about it.

This year, I’ve discovered a different perspective. Creating a network that provides us with opportunities and support is about giving. A fact which has surprisingly sound scientific backing.

So how is a business a network’s game? Let’s look at two examples.



Milosz Falinski

Milosz Falinski — founder at Lumi.design. Leads Product-market fit sprints for fast-moving founders. Strategic designer.