What Happens When You Meditate for 60 Minutes Every Day for 60 Days

From small and subtle changes to impactful life-changing results

Akis Apostolopoulos


Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash

I recently read The Almanack of Naval Ravikant. In the book, Naval challenges people to meditate every day for 60 minutes for at least 60 days in a row. I was intrigued by this challenge, as I happen to be a casual meditator who meditates anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes, a few times a week.

I have always sensed that a longer meditation session would help my thoughts settle down and let me see the world more clearly. However, I always seemed to have a convenient excuse for not meditating for longer than 30 minutes.

In late October of 2020, I committed to meditating for one continuous hour every day for the rest of the year. The first step to achieve this goal was sorting out my daily schedule. If you want to meditate for one hour, you need to make the time. So I set my alarm clock half an hour earlier every day to give me the extra time to meditate before I left for work.

When I meditate, I do not take myself too seriously. I do not try to focus on one mantra or my breath all the time. I don't stress if my mind is wandering all over the place…



Akis Apostolopoulos

I spend my days reading, thinking, and writing about Entrepreneurship. Owner of 2 Businesses. For my best stuff https://theentrepreneurialthinker.com/sign-up/