What If You Are Not Ready to Hear Condolences Yet?

You are not alone.

J.H. Harrington


Photo by Jake Davies on Unsplash

We often hear many similar responses from those around us when they discover that we have lost someone close to us. These responses are rooted in a mix of the proper sentiment and a loss for what to say. In these events, many of us defer to words heard many times before in a similar scenario. These are often accepted for what they are, words of condolence, and exactly what you should say if they feel appropriate.

However, the person receiving these words of condolence may not be ready to hear these words for what they are, meaningful, heartfelt condolences. Instead, some in the throes of grief might hear a simple, “I’m sorry for your loss” in an entirely different way than it was meant to be received. In these instances, what is said and what is meant can be lost in translation.

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“I’m sorry.”

“She is in a better place.”

“Heaven gained an Angel.”

“He was a good man.”

“They were a beautiful soul.”

These are all common expressions heard at funerals that fill the place of words that are hard to find. These are…



J.H. Harrington

Author of ‘Digital Remains’ and 'The L'Enfant Inquiry' available now. Proven Industry Expert. Sharing thoughts and ideas on the world we live in and beyond.