What Is Attractive, According to Science

Studies Lead to 5 Conclusions About Physical Attractiveness



Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

We’re animals. Still. Attraction is an instinct. While it’s versatile to some extend, key aspects of perceived attractiveness seem to be inherent to our species. Logically, traits of attractiveness differ between women and men. Both, in physical form and in inner qualities. A few are surprisingly similar though. The following 5 traits of physical attractiveness have been pointed out by science.

1. Height

A classic factor in studies on physical attractiveness in both, men and women, is overall body height. Research from Rice University and the University of North Texas suggested that men — while sometimes stating the height of women as a factor — had no conclusive preference, whereas women preferred taller male partners, in general.

In an online survey, the scientists found that 37 percent of the men wanted to date only women shorter than they are. In contrast, more than half of the women — 55 percent — wanted to date only men taller than they are.

Sidenote: A study from the 1990s determined that taller men and women also earn more money than their smaller or “average” peers. This study also found that attractive people earn more, a 15% increase.




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