What To Do If Your Idea List is Super Long

Some ways to get them out of your head and over the finish line.

Deepti Kannapan


Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash

I tend to have a lot of ideas for projects — blog posts, research, and fun experiments.

I’ve tried ignoring them and focusing on one area at a time, sometimes for years together. All other ideas had to wait until a slot opened up.

Some of those ideas were for massive years-long projects (e.g., my novel, some research papers), and others were for small projects I could just knock out and feel good about (e.g. this blog post). It didn’t matter, they all had to wait until I was done with my current priority.

This way of working was too restrictive and didn’t suit me at all.

In 2019, I read the book Refuse to Choose! and started keeping an Idea Notebook. Instead of shoving ideas aside, I nurtured and journaled about them. This felt free, creative, and fun. However, that isn’t the whole story.

When I have an idea, it goes through the following stages:

  1. A vague undefined idea in my head
  2. A defined idea on paper
  3. An idea selected for working on
  4. An idea in active development
  5. Shipping or publishing an idea



Deepti Kannapan

Painter, occasional cartoonist, aerospace engineer. Writes about sustainable technology, creativity, and journaling.