What to Do When You Feel Out of Control and Discombobulated

Just stop and use these easy steps to figure it out

Patricia Haddock


What to Do When You Feel Out of Control and Discombobulated Just stop and use these 3 easy steps to figure it out
Image by mufaddalap from Pixabay

Have you ever been behind a driver who can’t decide which direction to take? They slow, look at their phone, and then look around for road signs or anything that tells them where they are. They speed up, slow down, check the phone again, study the buildings, and finally signal for a right turn only to make a sudden left in front of you. They obviously don’t know where they are going.

I feel both annoyance and empathy for them.

This happened to me when I was trying to navigate the craziness of Washington, D.C., streets. Apparently, my phone hadn’t as yet discovered that many of the district’s streets were either closed or detoured for construction. After circling the same building for the third time, I pulled over, swore vehemently, then calmed down, checked the map, and found my own way out of town.

Sometimes, our lives feel like this. We go around and around, ending up in the same place having gone nowhere. Maybe our writing isn’t succeeding as much as we want, or we’re not being recognized at work, or we’re faced with a decision and don’t know what to do. Maybe we got hit with a sudden loss or event that threw us off our feet as Covid-19 did in March 2020. Regardless of the…



Patricia Haddock

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. & pat@phaddock.com.