What to Prioritize and Objective Goals

Julien McLaren
Published in
17 min readDec 18, 2020


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

It can be difficult to know which activities are priorities, and which are frivolous. You may have a goal in mind, or not. You may want a goal but have none. Or you may have a goal, but lack the level of clarity necessary to accomplish said goal.

In this article, I will guide you through the process I’ve employed to know what activities to prioritize to get results. You can stop hoping and start taking the reigns of your own life by prioritizing objective goals.

I hoped to one day make a Youtube channel; now I’ve done it, and am building up my viewership progressively. I hoped to one day start a blog; now I’ve done it, and post a new article every week. I wanted a healthy relationship; now I’m in one — but the point isn’t that I did this or that, it’s that I had goals and accomplished them. I wouldn’t have accomplished anything though unless I had clear priorities. I wouldn’t have had clear priorities unless I made clear, measurable objectives for myself every week.

Objective goals eliminate any question as to whether you’re succeeding or failing. You either accomplish them, or you don’t — that’s where prioritizing comes into play. When you prioritize accomplishing your objectives, then either you accomplish them, or discover what’s getting in the way of you accomplishing them.



Julien McLaren

A Canadian writer sharing his life experiences and lessons learned. Traveller, musician, fitness enthusiast.