When a Partner Cheats, Do You Stay or Do You Go?

Emily Stroia
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2020


Photo by Nathan McBride on Unsplash

Cheating is a complicated subject. There are many layers to what defines infidelity in a relationship. Most often it’s assumed a partner in the relationship had sex with another person outside of the relationship. While cheating is often assumed to be a physical act you hear of relationships ending over discovered secret sexual text messages, random exes popping up, and porn subscriptions.

Each couple has their own idea of commitment and what constitutes infidelity in the relationship.

Marriage vows state that you will be committed through thick and thin. But what happens if someone in the relationship cheats? Suddenly the vow of commitment is broken and the relationship is over.

When you sign up for a relationship it seems like cheating is the ultimate form of betrayal and a deal breaker.

For a long time I considered cheating to be the end-all for me. I’ve been cheated on several times and what ultimately hurt most for me was the sense of betrayal more than the infidelity itself. I’ve come to realize that the act of cheating itself while hurtful isn’t a deal breaker for me.

I also realized that staying in a relationship after being cheated on was at the time a sense of self-betrayal because deep down I knew I deserved better but I didn’t exactly believe it…



Emily Stroia

Psych therapist in training. I write about mental health, trauma, well-being, and spirituality. Stay for a while. www.emilystroia.com