When You Stop Figuring Out and Start Becoming, Your Roadmap Will Appear

Put “who” before “how”, and you’re off to a great start

Yiqing Zhao


Photo by simon sun on Unsplash

Most of my articles start with “How to”, because of what I noticed in myself: I’m always looking to find out “how” to do certain things, from recipes to writing to dog training.

We are living in an age of information overflow, but information doesn’t equal solutions.

What’s worse, information automatically turns our brains on, and if we are not careful, we are very likely to become overthinking machines.

That’s how all the stress and anxiety start. That’s why we feel we are being led by the nose. That’s why we feel suppressed, unhappy, and lost.

If you haven't already, I strongly encourage to you stop “figuring out” and start “becoming”. Here’s why:

“How-to”s are endless. “Who” is the centerpiece.

I don’t know how many “how-to”s are out there, but this number is going to be so huge that no one can get to the bottom of it.

If you are always trying to figure things out, what would happen? You would be dragged into this bottomless pit and drown.

