There Are 6 Types Of Motivation. Which is Driving You?

Research shows not all motivation is created equal. Meet self-determination theory.

Hannah Davies


Image courtesy of the author

What drives you?

It can sound like a simple question: it isn’t. For hundreds of different activities in our lives — from choosing a job, to spending time with our partner, to writing an article — we can all have very different motivations for the same action.

People are fond of reporting vague, huge, and morally sweet drives. To support my children/ageing parents. To provide for my community. To save the local ecosystem.

These are all great as an overarching “why”: a north star that adds structure and purpose to your life.

But let’s be real, they don’t drive every action you take. You don't make pancakes to save the planet. You pick up the frying pan because you’re hungry.

The theory that drives us

Motivation has been investigated in the field of work psychology for a long time. The most well-evidenced and widely accepted theory today is Self-Determination Theory.

In short, the theory splits between two core types of motivation: external and internal.



Hannah Davies

Brit Psychologist (MBPsS, BSc), UX Researcher, human.