Why Curiosity Is the Most Important Skill of the 21st Century

And what you can do to harness the power of curiosity

Aggee Writes


Illustration by Tracy J Lee

Da Vinci.

No one defines what it means to be ‘ahead of their time’ better than Leonardo da Vinci does.

The man was a master of invention, one who contributed to everything from geometry and architecture to music and anatomy. In the words of National Geographic Journalist Simon Worrall:

“Leonardo fused science and art to create works that have become part of humanity’s story.”

Da Vinci was, in short, an extraordinary and talented thinker. What made him stand out from the crowd, however, was his intense curiosity. The essence of his curiosity is summed up in his famous quote:

“Learning never exhausts the mind.”

To this day, the legacy of da Vinci still survives. And the habit of curiosity that he practiced in his life is very much still valuable today.

In fact, curiosity is one of if not the most valuable skill in the 21st century. Let me explain.

The power of curiosity in the 21st century



Aggee Writes

I'm Aggee. I share practical SEO/copywriting guides designed to simplify SEO and content writing for solopreneurs💡💡