Why Getting Organized Helps Our Mental Health

Pamela Ullmann
Published in
5 min readApr 28, 2022


Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash

The recent trend of home organization has taken over the world lately, and it seems like I can’t go anywhere without seeing someone promoting some sort-of system. From popular HGTV series to books promising they’ll help you whip your space into shape, it’s all too much for one person!

At the same time as major global events unfold around us, we can’t help but feel overwhelmed by what seems like an inability to control our lives. But don’t forget that just because you may not be able to control everything in your life, doesn’t mean you can not “get your life together” in small doable ways. I have always made the connection that when my space has clutter, it reflects my state of mind. Sometimes, cleaning my closet can bring a sense of control to my often scattered brain!

Clearing out the clutter from your workspace is like getting rid of a thousand little weights telling you that there are still things left undone. If cleaning helps to give some peace and focus, then go ahead!

Some people may choose not only for their physical environment but also in terms of how they organize themselves mentally as well. Getting rid of all unnecessary items can make us feel less overwhelmed with what needs to be done.

While we cannot control all external circumstances, we can manage our personal spaces, both…



Pamela Ullmann

I hold a strong belief in the transformative power of the creative process, which can serve as a means of healing and self-discovery.