Why Is It So Uncool to Be an Introvert?

The idea of introverts being social outcasts is wide of the mark

Paul Abela, MSc


Photo by Jonathan Cooper on Unsplash

The word introvert is shrouded in misconceptions, to the point where many hate the idea of being one. Social perceptions of introverts are that they’re, quiet, unsociable and shy. The introvert is meek and reserved, the type of people who stands awkwardly in the corner at parties, like a wallflower. In a word, they are losers. It’s understandable then why introverts are resistant to reveal their dirty secret. To do so is to admit to being a social outcast.

Extroverts, on the other hand, are confident, outgoing and sociable. They are the life and soul of the party, people who are strong-willed, charismatic and personable. In a word, they are cool. They are everything that socially we aspire to be. So no one wants to admit to having a personality that is the direct opposite of this person.

Everyone aspires to be an extrovert. Even when they know deep down they’re introverted; they would never reveal this ghastly secret for fear of social judgment.


These depictions of what it means to be an introvert or extrovert are widely off the mark because your personality is not a choice. You are who you are, and you can’t force a change in the type of…



Paul Abela, MSc

Writer and systems thinker | Place a lens on the social, economic and political causes of the climate crisis | Visit my website and blog at transformatise.com