Why Trading Your Life Hack Mindset For Mindful Productivity Means You Wake Up Happier

The safe way to cement happiness in progress

Eve Arnold


Photo by Angelo Pantazis on Unsplash

For the last 5 years, I’ve been trying to start something alongside my 9–5.

I failed for 3 years. Then things changed 2 years ago. After getting bored of having the same conversations with myself I decided to stop looking for shortcuts and commit to pursuing something of meaning.

I stopped with the quick fixes and started building something I was proud of. My whole view of productivity changed during that time. Today I call it mindful productivity.

Here’s what that is in a nutshell.

1. The punches will come whether you like it or not

Bad stuff will happen. Someone will steal your idea. Someone else will literallysteal your work. Someone else will take credit for the things you did.

For a long time, I thought that avoiding pain was the way to win. It’s why I didn’t try hard. It’s why I occupied myself with busy work. It’s why I never really went anywhere.

The reality is trying to avoid pain is making it into something it’s not. Pain isn’t something to fear, it’s something to be expected. The more you expect it the more…

