Why You Should Consider Moving in Silence

Shannel Wheeler
Published in
5 min readSep 30, 2020


Photo by lascot studio from Pexels

I’ve always respected and in some ways admired those who consider themselves an open book. Conversely, I’ve always been more discreet. I’m definitely learning more about the power of vulnerability and I’m totally open to sharing when I think it will be helpful. But I’ve never been one to volunteer all of my business to any and everyone (and especially not without a good cause).

When it comes to new beginnings, endings, plans, successes, failures, uncertainties, and everything in between, it seems commonplace to openly share these life events on social media, in social gatherings, over the phone, in the break room. But it is not anyone’s obligation or duty to be an open book at all times. As a matter of fact, I believe there can often be wisdom in silence. Here are a few reasons why:

It’s nobody’s business

First and foremost, no one is entitled to every thought you have. You have full ownership. Of course, this sentiment has to be coupled with extreme discretion and discernment. If your “business” or decisions can adversely or significantly affect someone else then, of course, that’s a different story.

Also, there are parts of your journey that are sacred. There are parts that you still may be figuring out or discovering. There’s always a time and place to share, but it doesn’t…



Shannel Wheeler

Left-brain creative | Brand/Design Implementation | Design Instruction and Inspiration | Creating with Purpose: https://shannelwheeler.com