Would You Drive Across the Country Without a Smartphone?

What Getting Lost Taught Us About Scarcity And Gratitude : Tales From 12 Years On The Road With 3 Kids

Rebecca Hollinger


“Mom, where will we be tomorrow?”

My stubborn pride about using only paper maps resulted in a nerve-racking detour through New York City towing a 30-foot trailer — with three children in the back seat.

Year 2

We loaded the kids and suitcases into our Chevy 1-ton van and left Grandpa’s house in Asbury Park, New Jersey at 6 am towing our 30’ home (aka RV) behind us. We planned to arrive at the campground in New Hampshire by noon. Two years before that we sold our 3 bedroom ranch house and packed our family into a tow-behind travel trailer. We were at the front end of what would eventually become 12 years of living on the road.

My husband and I traded our daily grind to travel the country with three kids, ages 11, 9 and 4, while they were still young enough to be excited about the undertaking. We took seasonal jobs as campground managers to cover expenses, and between work stints we explored National Parks, toured museums and major cities, and hiked and camped our way across the states. 9-year-old Jake would ask when I kissed him good-night; “Mom, where will we be tomorrow?”

Travel Pros?



Rebecca Hollinger
Writer for

Helping parents raise confident, kind & financially savvy kids. RebeccaHollinger.com