What would future me say? A support for positive behavior change.

Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator


Photo by Victoriano Izquierdo on Unsplash

To begin positive behavior change I start by asking myself, “What would future me say?”

Time Travel

Every person alive is a time traveler. We are all on a journey from the present to the future traveling forward in time. The reality is the future does not exist. It is nothing but a concept that we construct in our mind which is useful for planning. For example, planning for the future can be as mundane as putting some frozen chicken in the refrigerator to defrost for dinner tonight. Planning for the future can be as complex as preparing to spend the rest of your life married to your partner as you purchase an engagement ring. Neither future exists in reality, however, our concept of the future as an achievable destination allows us to act in the present to impact the future.

Best Laid Plans…

Planning for big or small events is not a problem, much of our evolutionary success is our ability to plan for the desired outcome even though we know the actual results may vary such as the defrosted chicken being substituted for a pizza delivery or your partner refusing the engagement ring.

The Impact of Small Behaviors



Dr. Alex , The Recovering Educator

Hi my name is Alex, I am a recovering educator. After more than 30 years in the educational industrial complex, I’m now thinking inside a bigger box.