You Have More Control in Your Life Than You Believe

It has to do with the way your think

Jerine Nicole


Photo by bruce mars

My goal is to live in Spain in 2022. I’ve embedded this goal into my being in 2020. After buying a condo with my partner, I realized that I didn’t want to stay in one spot my whole life. So, I’ve made it my goal to live in at least 3 different countries before I die.

Yet, when I tell people my goal, they don’t take me seriously. I get the feeling of judgment, thinking, yeah, right. But in my head, it’s already happening. I didn’t know how exactly make it happen, but it turns out when you want something in life, the way you think plays a huge role.

You might not know it yet, but you have more control over your life than you think. Whatever situation you’re in right now, if you want to change it, you can, especially when your basic needs such as food, the Internet and a roof over your head are met.

You (Almost) Always Have a Choice

I was talking to a co-worker who was deciding whether to buy her place this year or save up for longer. After a half-hour conversation with some math involved, we’ve concluded that she wouldn’t be able to afford to buy her place in Toronto. It is one of the most expensive places to live on Earth.



Jerine Nicole

Part-time nurse, part-time writer. I write stories about how I explore life to inspire others. Insights on intentional living: