You Have to Make Hard Choices to Live a Better Life

Profound lessons that burnout taught me

Varun Khadri


Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

This is the time of year when all of us do a little reflecting. It doesn’t take a lot of reflection for me to realize that the biggest mistake that I made this year was trying to replicate my pre-pandemic lifestyle.

Before the pandemic hit, I used to wake up at 4 AM for Badminton training, commute 2 hours to college to have a full day of in-person classes from 9 AM to 5 PM, commute back home, eat dinner, write, do assignments, and sleep by 11 PM. It doesn’t take a genius to see how that kind of hustle with almost no rest and sleep is the perfect recipe for disaster.

Yes, I too see that now. But unfortunately, when my college reopened for classes last month, I assumed that just because I used to have that kind of routine before COVID, I could easily do it again. Boy, was I wrong. I ended up falling sick, being deeply unhappy and hating my life.

I was completely burned out. Here’s what I learned through that. Use these lessons to recover from your own burnout or to ensure that it never happens in the first place.

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Varun Khadri

Ghostwriter to millionaires. Editor-in-chief at The Post-Grad Survival Guide