You Should Limit Your WorkTime to Five Hours
If you want to be as successful as Michael Phelps
Honestly, I do understand why people like being busy. It gives you a sense of belonging. You do not have to know who you are when everybody perceives you as ‘the busy person’, the late-night worker, or the weekend shifter. Strangely enough, though, nobody wants to be labeled a workaholic. That expression became something like a forbidden word in all offices around the world.
Workaholics carry with them a dark and rotten aura. It is only a matter of time until the workaholic implodes and drags everybody around him in a dark, depressing mist of inefficiency that devours their effectivity in whole once it touches them. Researchers define Workaholism as “a compulsion or an uncontrollable need to work incessantly” and found out that it correlates with a lower quality of sleep and depression. Workaholics do not work overtime shifts every day because of financial reasons or because their boss pressures them. They involve themselves in projects where they don’t need to be there.
Pandemic Meetings
While I was reading about the subject, I was glad that things are different today. The new trends of five-hour working days, or four-day weeks prove that you don’t have…