Your Body Can Produce ‘Hope Molecules’

Learn how to activate them more often, and increase your happiness.

Emily Cunliffe


Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

“Every time we move our muscles, we are giving ourselves an intravenous dose of hope.”

— Kelly McGonigal, PhD

The power of hope molecules

Lots of us are experiencing an unsettling absence of hope right now, on some level. It’s more important than ever to become guardians of our mental health.

I bring good news…

Scientists have found that whenever we move a muscle (anywhere in our body), we produce ‘hope molecules’.

How cute!

During movement, proteins called myokines are released into our bloodstream. These pass through the blood-brain barrier to change the structure of the brain and have an antidepressant effect, which makes us more resilient to stress and trauma.

The good news is that all muscles can produce myokines. Whether you go for a gentle stroll, lift weights or run a marathon, regardless of your age, gender and level of fitness, it’s never too late to start moving.

Stanford psychologist, Kelly McGonigal, recently found a 2016 research paper…



Emily Cunliffe

Sharing my journey to a joy-filled life, which started after the heartbreak of divorce. ||